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Als Studierende der Hochschule Hof haben Sie die Möglichkeit während Ihres Studiums an Kurzprogrammen im Ausland teilzunehmen.

Diese Programme dauern 1 - 6 Wochen und finden in der Regel in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit statt. Sie bieten eine intensive Lernplattform in einer internationalen Atmosphäre. 

Kurzprogramme sind eine gute Alternative, wenn man - zum Beispiel aus zeitlichen oder finanziellen Gründen - kein ganzes Auslandssemester absolvieren kann, aber dennoch internationale Erfahrung sammeln möchte. Natürlich kann man Kurzprogramme auch zusätzlich zu einem Auslandssemester absolvieren. 

Für manche Summer Schools können Ihnen Credits (durch Antrag an die zuständige Prüfungskommission) angerechnet werden. Zudem können Sie finanzielle Förderung (PROMOS) beantragen.

Kurzzeitprogramme sind in der Regel selbstorganisiert.

Studierende im Gespräch

Weitere Infos zu Kurzprogrammen

Summer/Winter Schools

Finden Sie Informationen zu Summer/Winter Schools auf der DAAD Seite!

Summer/Winter Schools


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Angebote von Partnerhochschulen

Erasmus Blended Intensive Mobilities

Turning Ideas into Businesses:

Important information on the BIP below.

1. The course is to be offered in a b-learning mode during 10 weeks between May 21 and July 23, 2024.

2. The online/Synchronous/Asynchronous sessions will be available online from May 21.

3. The face-to-face sessions will take place from June 24 to 28 at University of Minho, Guimarães (Portugal).

4. Applications take place between May 1 and 3, 2024;

5. The publication of application results will take place until May 8, 2024;

6. Registration takes place between May 13 and 15, 2024;

7. Students at the 2nd cycle level in the areas of engineering, science, management and similar areas may apply to enroll in the course;

8. In accordance with the rules of the Erasmus+ Program and the provisions of the organization of the Blended Intensive Program (BIP), admitted candidates are exempt from paying fees. 

Organization will cover costs related to meals, transfers (OPORTO airport - UMinho Guimarães - OPORTO airport), materials and visits during the week of June 24-28. About accommodation, at the UMinho residence there are dormitories which will be available for this activity (aprox. €15/night). However, you can find several other options available in Guimarães. Cost of flight is aprox.  € 300. Every Student can have a financial support of at least € 553 from Hof University.

Are academic recognition of 5 ECTS is possible.

InnoIncubator - Sustainable Start-up through a Growth Mindset

The main aim of this course is to provide an in-depth exploration of the social enterprise sector, focusing on strategic sustainability across its environmental, social, and economic aspects.

This programme is designed to be a stepping stone into a career that blends profit with purpose and to prepare future leaders who can navigate the challenges and opportunities of sustainable business practices.

Utilizing EWA educational model, the curriculum is crafted to equip students with the skills and competencies vital for success in today's labor market, with a keen focus on entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and the team-based teampreneurship approach.

restration Fee: € 60 The fee includes the costs for welcome dinner and social activities. Students have to cover all cost by themselves (accommodation, meals, travel, etc.). Costs from Hof to Mladá Boleslav by train are aprox. € 100. Every Student can have a financial support of at least € 553 from Hof University.

Number of credits: 3 ECTS

The course will be divided into online and onsite parts.

Blended format consists of:

Online meeting: 22nd May 2024, 17:00 to 18:30

Onsite training and final presentations: 27th - 31st May 2024, 08:45 to 15:45, in Mladá Boleslav.

Online feedback: 6th June 2024, 14:00 to 17:00

The deadline for sending applications is 30.04.2024.

The leaflet with QR-code for registration can be downloaded here.

Please find all detailed information including the registration form here.